
A society that values and practices peace and promotes development.



Influence and promote the participation of local communities in peace building, human rights advocacy, community governance and development through collaboration and network process..


Our Purpose

Towards a peaceful and cohesive society.


15+ Years Of Experience in peace Building


Leaders in Peace Solution

Regional pastoralists Peace Link (Formerly Isiolo Peace Link) has been the main leading champions for peace in the eastern and north-eastern regions of Kenya connecting These pastoralists communities, including Borana, Gabbra, Turkana and other communities who have been enmeshed in violent conflicts as a result of climate, environmental, and other changes


Since 2006,
Operating in Eastern and North Eastern Region.

Find Out

Our Work In Action.

What They Say

Community Testimonies About RPPL


Maren Voges, WFD Coordinator East and Southern Africa

"Peace marathon, is a unique approach to conflict transformation that“ fosters active dialogue, tolerance and unity among communities. Therefore, running for peace is an important public message and a platform for" fostering unity”

Batula Ali— Former Environmental Manager-ENNDA.

"The 2022 camel caravan was unique in its nature because it focused on the involvement of upstream communities. There was great need to involve these communities for them to understand the impact of their activities to pastoralists in the mid and lower streams, and to collectively address the challenges facing all in the streams"

Sheikh Daud Guyo—Council of Imams and Preachers—Isiolo

"The most effective anti-dote to VE narratives and misuse of religion is therefore counter-narratives, positive and alternative narratives and mobilization of key Muslim scholars to disseminate information asymmetries created by, and benefiting violent extremists can only be countered, delegitimized and deconstructed by religious leaders.""
RPPL Gallery

Events and previous Peace Programs

  • All
  • ADR
  • Peace Building
  • Governance
  • Women in Peace Mediation
  • (CBNRM)Camel Caravan
  • Sports For Peace

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General Enquires

Email: admin@regionalpastoralistspeacelink.org


Tullu Roba, Opp Mbuku House. Isiolo county Kenya

Operation Hours

Mon-Saturday: 09.00 to 05.00 (Sunday: Closed)